In life, we all have to let our children grow. They need to learn how to stretch their wings and fly solo. If they don’t, they will never go anywhere. This piece is about taking a group from the beginning and trusting them to fly high and proud by the end of their first year. The piece stays with the first six notes of the Bb concert scale. It has two tempos and time changes that fit with the idea of getting ready for a big event or life step and then just doing it. First Flight is a send-off for all the beginners who are taking their first steps into the wonderful world of music.
This is for the first group of beginners I taught in 2022-2023 at Bayonet Point Middle School. I am very proud of all of you and the musical journey you have taken with me these last three years. Fly high and be proud of who you are!
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Beethoven's Jingle (Grade .5)


Driven to Greatness (Grade 1)